The Fifth stop we will make is at the Primates. This exhibit was built in 1959, and as you can probably see, it is surrounded by only glass, instead of both, glass and fencing. This is because humans are primates too so we can easily pass on diseases to the primates at the zoo. But, there is still a very clear view of them through the glass. There are outside playgrounds for the primates to climb on, huge trees to swing from, water to play in, and grass to walk in. The grassy land lets the primates have room to be on their own and their environment is kept right around 70 degrees. There is also holding rooms for each species of the primates. There are 25 primates in this exhibit and there are all different kinds such as Chimpanzees, White-Cheeked Gibbons, Francois Monkeys, and Orangutans. As you can see in the picture above, there are also landings built into the trees at the zoo for the primates to climb on and sit on.