The Island Pigs of Asia Exhibit is the the sixth stop on our trip! This exhibit isn't very large, but it is out on its own so there is no reason why we can't check it out! This exhibit holds both, Visayan Warty Pigs and Babirusa Pigs. First we can look at the Visayan Warty Pigs from the forests of the Philippine Islands. These pigs have a crazy mohawks and a lot of warts on their faces, which you can see in the picture above on the right. There isn't a lot known about this type of pig but they seem to be very friendly. Their habitat at the zoo includes bamboo and a sawdust covered ground and they normally eat fruits, vegetables, tubers, and roots.
Now for the Babirusa Pigs shown above on the left. These pigs sometimes are mistaken for hippos and deer, but they are actually linked to the hippo family. They are gray with wrinkled skin and don't have any hair. The males also have tusks. These pigs eat fruits and nuts mostly because their tusks prevent them from digging up roots, and they live in the wet forests of the Islands of Indonesia.