Our third stop on the field trip is Africa. Here we will see animals such as the Rhinoceros, Hippopotamus, Giraffes, and Monkeys.
As we walk through the exhibit you should notice that the Rhinoceroses, Hippopotamuses, and Giraffes, all live in the same type of habitat. All of them live in areas with water holes for cooling, trees for shade and scratching, and grassy land to eat and roam on. They all live in the same type of environment, but they all spend different amounts of time in different places. For example, the Hippos (shown on top left) spend much more time in the water than the rest of the animals, and the Giraffe (shown on top right) spends the most time on the land. There is a picture of 2 Rhinoceroses above on the bottom left walking around their home at the zoo.
Next we can look at the Monkeys high in the treetops. The treetop building is covered with long branches and tons of leaves to make a canopy that makes the animals feel even more at home. One example of the the monkeys in here are Debrazza Monkeys, which are dark gray with white coloring around their mouths and a little light gray on their head. The monkeys at the zoo eat fruits and vegetables which will help them grow to be anywhere from 9-11.5 pounds. A picture of a monkey is shown above on the bottom right.